These are letters to Jack, my son, and my daughter, Audrey. You have given me the gift of motherhood. This is just a little gift back. I want to share my experiences with you of your childhood from my perspective of watching you grow - of being your Mom.

Friday, February 10, 2006


Your Daddy and I have been talking about how lucky we are and I want you to know that we feel this way. You never know where you are going to be later in life. Something could happen to myself or your Daddy and we might not be able to tell you these things, so I want to be sure to put it down in writing.

We are so thankful for you! You are the best thing that either of us has ever done and we are both so proud of you, Jack!

I want to give you everything you need in life and to be the best parent in the world for you. I hope you feel like you can talk to me about anything. I promise to listen and treat you like the smart person that I know you are going to be because you are more and more of this person everyday and I can see it clearly.


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