These are letters to Jack, my son, and my daughter, Audrey. You have given me the gift of motherhood. This is just a little gift back. I want to share my experiences with you of your childhood from my perspective of watching you grow - of being your Mom.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Parlor Tricks


Yesterday was a blast. We went to Borders and Daddy picked up a book he had been looking for while we checked out the tiny toy store AND the bookstore both. We kept ourselves busy exploring both places until it was time to head home for lunch and naptime.After nap, you went with Daddy to the Train store and played for a little while and then you came home and we played with my friend, Laura, and her two beautiful daughters, Viv and Lilly. We rediscovered all of your toys and had fun showing off your train table, playing with Playdough and pretending to take a nap upstairs on the floor after making sure that every last one of your toys was on the floor with you.After our playmates left, we gorged on pizza, and then we headed off to Target to get Mommy some lemonade and to show for things we didn’t need. I browsed the sales racks in the women’s department for cute Isaac Mizrahi clothes that might be on sale. I DID find a couple of things since I know you were dying to know the answer to that question. :)Before we even headed to Target, we were all a little silly from the pizza and fun and you were dragging Daddy into your tiny tent and hiding and then jumping on me. Your energy level was off the charts incredible and your Daddy said “Jack, can you say spazz?”SPAAAAZZZZZ! SPAZZ!” you shouted proudly while your Daddy and I started laughing.

“Say ‘I’m a spazz!”


This just made us laugh harder because you turned the tables on us without even knowing it.I couldn’t resist it and had to join in:

“Jack! Say WE’RE CIVILIZED!!!”

“Weeeee’re CIVILIZED!!!!”

“Jack! Say “WE’RE CAAAAALM!!!!”

“WE’RE CIVILIZED! WE’RE CAAAAAAALM!!!” We were laughing so hard at this phrase by now, you decided that it was the phrase of the year and repeated it like 15 times in a row which made me laugh so hard that I peed a little.

One change of clothes later, you introduced this phrase outside while we were piling into the car. In the dark of night you hollered at the top of your lungs “WE’RE CIVILIZED! WE’RE CAAAAAAALM!!!!”For our next parlor trick, we may teach you how to yell “THIS IS MY INSIDE VOICE!” at the top of your lungs.

I know ... you can thank us later.



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