These are letters to Jack, my son, and my daughter, Audrey. You have given me the gift of motherhood. This is just a little gift back. I want to share my experiences with you of your childhood from my perspective of watching you grow - of being your Mom.

Monday, March 17, 2008

And on with the "Big 3"


Today we celebrated your birthday with the Rose family.

I'm wondering if you'll look back on all this and wonder if we might have gone a little over the top, but here's the way I see it.This celebration of you turning 3 has a number of sides to it:

  1. You are old enough to understand that you are getting older and that this in itself comes with priveledges. You can move to the next grade at your school and this means the others in the room call you a "3" which is obviously wonderful because everyone wants to be a "3". Already, you are excited about this year's birthday so I want to build off of it and make it even better for you since you are amazing and I want to make you feel special and loved.
  2. You love attention and you love family. These parties allow you to be the focus of the people that you love and what could be more wonderful than that?
  3. We are also celebrating because the last year came with a lot of challenges and reaching this milestone signifies that we are turning a corner. I've already seen around the bend and I like what I see. We are communicating well with each other and I seem to have found my Mom Groove with you. I'll try to explain more about that later.

All in all, it's been a great year and the future looks bright and you are aware of what this all means, so BRING ON THE PARTIES! You won't turn three again and I want this to stick in your memories as being incredibly special because you are that to us. I love you, Jack!



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