These are letters to Jack, my son, and my daughter, Audrey. You have given me the gift of motherhood. This is just a little gift back. I want to share my experiences with you of your childhood from my perspective of watching you grow - of being your Mom.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Vacation – Day 5



Yesterday we stuck around the hotel again. We played at the kid’s playroom until morning naptime. After nap, we went for a walk where we played in the pool with Buzz and Woody. It was a hot day so we did a lot either at the pool or inside in the air conditioned playground.

Today was an important day in Toy Story family history because today we acquired Bo Peep and Zurg for our Toy Story figure collection. I’ve found that, since acquiring Zurg, you are much less scared of him when watching the movie. I think this is because you can now handle him and see that he is not so intimidating.

As for Bo Peep, I have discovered something that is surprising to me. Bo Peep is a little hussey.

Apparently, what you have taken away from the Toy Story movies about Bo Peep is that she kisses the other toys. You haven’t made the connection that she was Woody’s girlfriend. I have seen her kiss Buzz and Woody, which I figured was what you picked up from the movie, because she has kissed both of them in the movie. But the other day, I caught her having a make-out session with Zurg – which I found very surprising seeing as how he is Buzz’s mortal enemy. Bo Peep apparently knows no bounds as I saw her engaged in liplock later that day with Hamm and then with Rex.

Another thing that I have noticed with a smile is that you have started to call for Daddy when he is not in sight and you want him. I have noticed a similarity to the way that I call for him when I know he’s somewhere within earshot, but not sure exactly where. When the Simpsons came on, which you watch with Daddy, he was in the bathroom and you went over to the door, put one handle on the knob and yelled at the top of your lungs “DAAAAAH-DAAAAAH!”

I was shocked and very amused. After watching you repeat this twice, the door opened and Daddy came out looking at you and then at me. I think he wasn’t completely sure if I hadn’t somehow put you up to this prank.

Later on, you repeated this since at the pool and at dinner. I love this as it is adorable and amuses me more than it should. Then again, that may be because you haven’t yet started to yell MOMMMMMMMAAAAAA!!

What a fun day!



P.S. Check you guys out - my two favorite guys in the whole world!:

Uh-oh! Someone noticed me taking their picture!!!! Guess who?

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