These are letters to Jack, my son, and my daughter, Audrey. You have given me the gift of motherhood. This is just a little gift back. I want to share my experiences with you of your childhood from my perspective of watching you grow - of being your Mom.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Daddy At Wook


Last night after school, we had a conversation like this:

"Daddy Home?"

"No - Daddy's not home..."

"Daddy at wook!"

"That's right! Daddy is at work, but he's going to come home and we're going to have a fun weekend!"

"Daddy Wookin"


"Wead Daddy book."

"You want to read the 'I Love You, Daddy' book?"


"Okay - let's read it!"

After reading the 'I Love You, Daddy' book three times, you were satisfied. I told you how much Daddy loves you and you were pleased.

The rest of the evening we played Couch-Cushion-Trail which is fun because it's hard not to fall when walking on a cushion trail and IF you fall ..... so what? CUSHIONS, right?!? :)

Hey - I hope you know that in spite of my frustrations at points, that you are the most important person in the world to me. You and Daddy. I hope you know that.



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