These are letters to Jack, my son, and my daughter, Audrey. You have given me the gift of motherhood. This is just a little gift back. I want to share my experiences with you of your childhood from my perspective of watching you grow - of being your Mom.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

School Halloween Party

What kid isn't over the moon about their classroom Halloween party?
The parents were invited to stay late after school so we could have treats with you little ones and watch you play with each other in your costumes.You were proud to show us the things in your classroom that you enjoy the most - books, connectors, legos, etc...See?!?Plus you got to be Mr. Incredible amongst all your friends!The little girls in your class were impressed with the camera I had most of all, though, because they liked seeing the pictures of themselves...Which is just SO UNLIKE us girls!! :)

You are really loving playing with the flannelboard and putting stories together on it, but I have to say that it was very funny to see you flexing those huge stuffed muscles while trying to put together a story and the padding pressing into your cheeks as you played away....After a huge number of treats and with fingers colored in orange icing, we tried on your teacher's hat so you could be the Cat In the Hat Mr. Incredible.Let's just say that hat will never be the same again.Love,


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